Science Fiction at Macaulay Honors College

Author Sabrina Song

Time travel is confusing

I love time travel in fiction. It’s such a fascinating plot mechanic, especially when we consider people’s fear of the unknown future. However, sometimes the way it works and its paradoxes can get pretty confusing. In Kindred, Dana can’t be sure if… Continue Reading →

Module 5: These Poor Children

These poor children. What is it about people that we find fascination in ruining the innocence of children? Frankly, these kids were messed up. Ender seems to have depression or PTSD as a result of situations that adults forced him into…. Continue Reading →

Sympathy for The Android

For the sake of full transparency, I’d like to start this response with saying that Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep thoroughly confused me. I still enjoyed the novel, but I came away with more questions than answers. Why make the androids… Continue Reading →

Module 3 Response: Communicating with Other Species

Module 3’s short stories show the importance of communication between species. Mal in “Dolphin’s Way” and Cliff Rodney in “Davy Jones’ Ambassador” are similar in that they are curious and willing to communicate with other species. Instead of rejecting or… Continue Reading →

Module 2 Response

I flew through The Martian this time just as quickly as when I first read it. I had forgotten how quirky and scientific it was, as the movie’s toned-down version was a bit fresher on my mind. Rereading it after watching the… Continue Reading →

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