Author Archives: danielfeldman

Snow and Being Busy

Hi guys, We just got a LOT of snow in NY, and since I am snowed in and lost a LOT of research time from the snow, I have yet no ability to write a legitimate new post. My apologies. … Continue reading

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Back to good posts after Finals…

Finals week has begun for me, so I will be crazy busy for the next two weeks…so I’m just going to ramble about something. My current research is on M Dwarf stars, so I guess this is something I can … Continue reading

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Daylight Saving Time – Is it Really Necessary?

As requested, I will now present you with the logic of Daylight Saving Time, and arguments for whether or not it’s necessary. Of my 10-15 loyal readers here, I’m sure at least 9 of you are used to Daylight Saving … Continue reading

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Sorry for the delay

Hi, my science followers! I’m really sorry for not updating in a while—I’ve been super busy and unable to do what’s necessary for a legitimate entry. So here’s some stupid comics to hold you over until the next update. Again, … Continue reading

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