Category Archives: Astronomy

Kepler 10-b

Hi my fellow science junkies. I’m so sorry for such a long absence…this school semester has been crazy. Recently, I found myself at the ASNY Conference at the University of Rochester, where I witnessed a fascinating talk from Natalie Batalha, … Continue reading

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The Farthest Galaxy (Candidate)

Hi science junkies! Sorry for not having too many updates. This might be a short one depending on time. Let’s get to it: The other day, I thought to myself, “Self, I wonder how far out the farthest galaxy ever … Continue reading

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Nomenclature Nightmare: TNOs

Hi there, loyal readers! As school here in CUNY resumes itself, I find myself preparing for my classes, and going over some of my old notes (I do this because I like to use the same book for multiple classes, … Continue reading

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Astrology the Pseudoscience

There once was a little pseudoscience called Astrology. He wanted nothing more than to be a real science, like his classmates Biology, Anthropology and Physics. Even his cousin, Astronomy, was allowed to join in the ranks of the real sciences. … Continue reading

Posted in Astronomy, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments