Category Archives: Reading Responses

You are required to post at least SEVEN responses before the end of term. Each response must be approximately 300 words in length, and should reflect an informed and thoughtful reading of the assignment. Each response must be posted before noon (12pm) on day the relevant reading assignment is due.

Keeping Up With the Old

In her comparison of the ‘Great Wave’ of immigration at the turn of 20th century and the current period of immigration New York is experiencing, Nancy Foner highlights the different settlement patterns of the two groups while also making note … Continue reading

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Pillars of the City

Upon reading Zhou Min’s work on Chinese immigrants in the United States, I found the following closing remark intriguing: “The enclave economy is a double-edged sword, however.”  Oftentimes, we fail to fully notice the whole picture of a situation, and … Continue reading

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Becoming American/Becoming New Yorkers: Immigrant Incorporation in a Majority Minority

I would like to focus on that article for this blog post as I found it more engaging and generally interesting. The idea that second generations immigrants try to stray away from the stereotypical jobs of their ethnicity that their … Continue reading

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The Issues of Assimilation and Intermingling in America

Considering that America has experienced immense influxes of immigration within the past couple of centuries, it becomes important to discuss how these immigrants assimilated to American culture and how they interacted with the economic, social, and political world of America. … Continue reading

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Assimilation, Stereotypes, and Spatial Separation

Kasinitz at al talks about how the interaction between different minority groups influence the experiences of the second generation as opposed to the interaction between immigrants and white Americans. This is especially applicable to New York because it is a … Continue reading

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One Way or the Other?

I found the article Becoming American/Becoming New Yorkers.. particularly interesting because it sought to express a more realistic approach to viewing immigrant assimilation in America, specifically in New York City. As mentioned in the article, the dominant theory is limited in the … Continue reading

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Immigrants struggle

Immigrants have been migrating to America in great masses for over a century, with the hopes of finding new life while trying to create a bright and prosperous future for themselves, and for their children. Kansinitz et al argues in … Continue reading

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Stereotypes; a major impeding factor

When reading the Kasinitz et al, I found myself thinking about a lot of things. Many of these immigrants come to this country for better opportunity, for economic benefits, social benefits, etc. However, when it comes down to it, some … Continue reading

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Generalization of second-generation immigrants and segmented assimliation

In the article by Kasinitz et al., the presented theory of segmented assimilation states that second-generation immigrants of minority groups may have impediments that will lead to stagnant or downward mobility. This theory states that minority groups have great barriers … Continue reading

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Setting Worlds Apart

Stereotypes and assimilation are two main issues within the article by Kasinitz and Marcuse. However bother authors choose to describe the causes for such stereotypes and assimilation much differently. Kasinitz discusses the ethnic identities that belong to second generation immigrants … Continue reading

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