Cate (With a C) Larsen

Hi! My name is Caitlin- it’s easy to say but understandably difficult to spell, which is fine, because everyone just calls me Cate. I’m aspiring to become a journalist. I’ve always had a passion for writing, my computer a storehouse for dozens of stories that date back to my elementary school days- some long, some short, and all embarrassing. However, I’d much rather go into broadcast journalism than write for a newspaper. I’ve had enough internships and watched enough episodes of The Office (My favorite show until Steve Carell left it, and yes the link is necessary because the theme song makes me so excited) to know that I would never want to work in an office all day. I love the idea of running out on the field to be where the biggest things are happening, communicating with people to figure those things out, and calling it an average day. So my next internship will hopefully be, not for an office, but NY1 this spring! If you see me around and I’m on my phone, I’m probably not texting, but flipping between my too many news apps.


Besides that, I’m big on music. I’ve never seen it as a future career because anytime that I’ve tried to be serious about it it’s become more of a chore than something I love. I’ve been playing the piano since I was six, and guitar since I was thirteen. This summer I started to combine my writing with my music to get the perfect activity – writing songs.

Picking a favorite genre of music is way too hard, but I’ve been really into jazz lately. I actually saw one of my favorite trumpet players Chris Botti this summer, and he invited me to come on stage and play the drums with him, which as you now know is not an instrument I play. (I really hope that link works but if not it happened, I promise.) A sort of terrifying, but really cool way to play the drums for the first time, even though it felt more like a workout than playing an instrument.

I’m also really involved in my church, Brooklyn Tabernacle (you might have heard of their choir) which I started going to last summer. I work with kids there (another big passion of mine) and for security (but only at the front desk, those of you who have met me know how far from intimidating I look). Though I guess I would call myself a Christian, I don’t like the idea of having any sort of strict denomination of Christianity and calling it the “right one.” That puts God in a box, and I think He’s much bigger than that. blurry-sky-cross

I’m really into eating healthy (though I’m not against the occasional… ok, frequent, cheat day). Even though I’m not on any sort of official sports team I love running, spinning, and basketball. I’m planning on running in this in September if I have the time!


So there I sort of am in 500 words! At least I got to use more characters than a tweet.


Cate (With a C) Larsen — 2 Comments

  1. It’s amazing that you were able to go up and play the drums on stage! (Yes, the clip does work XD) And it sounded pretty decent, though I can only imagine how tiring it could get drumming like that. I’ve tried in middle school and that was the end of my drumming career.

    • Thanks for letting me know it worked! And yea I don’t blame you, I was actually wincing by the end of it. I give a lot of credit to anyone who plays real things on the drums, I’m sure it’s much harder than what I was doing and there’s so much multitasking involved.

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