Intro – Basically an autobiography

Hi Everyone!                                                                                                                        LaGuardia Logo

My name is Tina Shen. I went to LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and I am proud to say that I might continue my studies in Visual Art as a minor and major in some form of Business (I really don’t know!!). To be honest, I am not sure what I want to pursue, and that indecisiveness might have resulted from everything I studied since I was a child.

Since I was five years old, I learned Chinese traditional folk dance and Chinese paper cutting. Then later on I studied opera, piano, and Chinese violin (Erhu, 二胡). Having the opportunity to acquaint myself with these forms of art was a good and bad thing – good in that it has made me more open-minded in trying new things, bad because I think that EVERYTHING is interesting and that I would like to try and pursue EVERYTHING as a career and therefore I have become really unsure what I want to be in the future. In the senior year of my high school, I changed my intended major so many times and was really confused with which college I actually wanted to go to. On the first day of senior year, I was sure that I wanted to go into Medicine and therefore had registered for Brown University’s online course on Medicine (So you think you can be a doctor?), which was going to start in a few weeks. After that didn’t work out, I was determined to be a singer for the Met and was planning to apply to Juilliard. Then in November, I decided that I would like to study Art in college as well because, well, I loved art especially paper cutting, but my parents were like: “How can you make a living being an artist?! It is so unstable!” Then it hit me. What if I study Business? What if I use my art to open a business? Besides, I established my own art studio already, why not continue going on a business-like path with my work? So here I am, in Macaulay at Baruch. It just became that way.

By the way, this is my website if any of you read my rambling up until now (~thank you!) and are interested or curious about Chinese paper cutting. What is it? It is a form of art, and it is an expression of Chinese culture. It is 2,000 plus years. It is scissors and paper. It is a part of me. I hope you like it!


Intro – Basically an autobiography — 2 Comments

  1. You’re website is AMAZING! I was looking through all the tabs and it hit me just how much work you put into learning and perfecting all these talents. They’re really interesting and I understand what you mean by being interested in so many things – there really are too many fascinating things in the world. I had trouble deciding my major too but I decided differently from the way you did. I like how you were able to combine business and art together 🙂

    • Thank you SiJia for taking the time to check my stuff out! I know that there is still a lot I have to work on though 🙂 I hope I can succeed in combining the two but who knows~ I love your drawings by the way! So what are you planning to major in?

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