Metamorphosis Gallery

For my exhibit, I wanted to focus on images that evoked a sense of what Gregor may have felt in his new state.  I imagined his difficulty coping with his metamorphosis, his prior sense of duty to his family, the shame he may have felt when he could not provide for them, and his alienation.  Thus, the images I chose for this mini gallery are purposefully dark and can be interpreted from any of these points of view.  Gregor is trapped, stuck in a broken home, with a huge sense of duty towards his family yet is unable to provide for them.  These feelings continue throughout the novella until his death.  I felt that Kafka’s portrayal of duty and family show a broken relationship and the sadness that occurs when the two do not coincide.


Metamorphosis Gallery — 1 Comment

  1. The thumbtack picture is my personal favorite picture you put up here, because it made me think for a few seconds. I was curious as to how it fit in the other groups of pictures but reading your explanation I see how it he is stuck. He is stuck in the same routine and same responsibilities and is stuck in the wall, stuck in the mundane lifestyle, stuck in boredom. The feeling of trapped and locked is apparent in all the pictures you choose. His feeling in his metamorphosed state is well represented here.

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