Part 3: Curate

sick & feeling hopeless :(

Photo by Nicolette BelitsisCAM03471-768x1024Photo by Carmela Ruffo249384_10200752255839055_167843875_nPhoto by Diana Perlovphoto5-e1379879358921Photo by Nicole-Amanda MerchanIMG_5760-768x1024Photo by Diana Perlovsamantha chiuPhoto by Samantha Chiu


My original photographs show a step-by-step visual of Gregor’s feelings from lack of enthusiasm for his job to complete hopelessness of continuing his life as a bug. I also interpreted the feelings his parents must have been going through as they witnessed their son turn into a bug. His parents’ disgust heightens throughout the novel as they realize there is no hope of Gregor ever turning back to a human. When Gregor dies, I got the sense that a burden was lifted off the family’s shoulders.

The six new images that I selected reflect my overall sense of Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka because they show Gregor’s feelings throughout his transition. The first photo represents Gregor when he first realized he had transformed into a bug. The picture shows exhaustion, but lack of care, which is exactly how Gregor first felt. The second picture of the gate represents Gregor trapped in his room. Gregor knew his family was scared of him, so after becoming a bug he spent everyday in his room. The third picture shows the apple that Gregor took everyday to work rotting away as he stayed locked up in his room. I chose the pictures of the wilting flowers and grasshopper dish to convey Gregor’s loss of hope and permanent depression as the novel progresses. Similarly to the grasshoppers, Gregor drowns in his own misery. Finally, the last picture of the dog represents an emotionless Gregor fading away into darkness.

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