Jason’s, Olivia’s and Emily’s Sound Transformation


Our sound transformation captures how rapid cooking time has decreased over the past centuries. The beginning starts with a rooster call, showing how early people had to wake up in order to grow their own crops and tend to their livestock–all to prepare their own meals. The music being played reflects the peacefulness and happiness of how simple life was back then.

However, as industrialization progresses, the tempo changes to one that is more upbeat. Though industrialization is not completely bad, food starts to get commercialized and therefore, loses a lot of its nutritional value. At this time, it does not take as long to prepare and cook a meal.

Lastly, we hit he modern age where food is one of the biggest industries out there. The plate washing and crashing sounds are similar to that of a busy kitchen of a restaurant today. Moreover, the time it takes to make food is so short that we can just pop something into the microwave and call it a meal. We have also included frying sounds to show how fast food has influenced how diets today.

By: Jason Woo, Olivia Sztanga, and Emily Yeung

The xx. “VCR.” MP3. iTunes. 24 Jan. 2010. 20 Oct. 2013.

Bright Eyes. “Road to Joy.” MP3. iTunes. 25 Jan. 2005. 20 Oct. 2013.

San Cisco. “Nepal.” MP3. iTunes. 23 Nov. 2012. 20 Oct. 2013.

Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros. “Home.” MP3. iTunes. 1 Jan. 2010. 20 Oct. 2013.

Childish Gambino. “Untouchable.” MP3. YouTube. 9 Sept. 2009. 26 Oct. 2013.

Adriel Kroneberger. “Dishes.” WAV. The FreeSound Project. 26 Oct. 2013.

Anemicrose. “Dishes” WAV. The FreeSound Project. 7 Apr. 2010. 26 Oct. 2013.

Joerichhoofd. “Breaking Plates 2.” WAV. The FreeSound Project. 28 Feb. 2013. 26 Oct. 2013.

Hadders. “Sausages Frying.” WAV. The FreeSound Project. 18 Nov. 2010. 26 Oct. 2013.

Stwrongtone. “Microwave Running.” WAV. The FreeSound Project. 23 Jan. 2013. 26 Oct. 2013.

Ashleyxxpiano. “Microwave.” WAV. The FreeSound Project. 28 Sept. 2013. 26 Oct. 2013.



Jason’s, Olivia’s and Emily’s Sound Transformation — 5 Comments

  1. Love the transformation. My favorite part is the beep that sounds like a microwave finishing its cycle. I also like how you incorporated the berries dropping music with the animal noises at the beginning. Good job!

  2. Your idea is extremely creative! I think all the sounds you chose were very significant and are able to successfully portray your transformation.

  3. This was so cute and creative! I loved the beginning with the animal sounds because it reminded me of the primitive lifestyles of people (farming and all that stuff). The sound effects were great, I liked how you slowly transitioned to modern sounds. I really liked this!

  4. Your sound sculpture is great! I can tell the change of eras through the pace of the music. In addition, I really like your story behind the sound. Industrialization and modern life are really fast-paced.

  5. This was really cool! I liked how you incorporated various sound effects instead of just using music throughout the whole thing. I thought the transformation was crystal clear. Also, the song you guys used at the end is one of my favorites, so I couldn’t help but be disappointed when it cut off so abruptly! Then I thought it over and the abrupt cutoff made me think of what might happen if we continue to progress in this way. Really well done, you guys.

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