
The Nose Creative Project — 6 Comments

  1. I liked this video a lot. I felt that your theme of identity is a powerful aspect of Gogol’s original story. I could definitely see that Marc was the outcast and how the hat brings him a sense of identity. I also like how there was a good ending to your video as well; it was similar to Gogol’s story in that aspect as well. Great job!

  2. I first want to commend you guys on the acting, I thought you all did a very nice job of leading towards the camera without actually looking at it. Second, I thought the video was very humorous in terms of the utensils being the “litmus test” for social relevance. To be honest, I thought your music was a little too obvious in terms of telling the viewer what was happening in the scene, I may be would have made things a little less simple. “Lonely” and “You’ve Got a Friend” are pretty much spoon-feeding the viewer the events going on, but they are great songs! The camera work was very good as well. I really enjoyed how at the end you showed the ludicrous criteria for holding power, how Marc knew the hat would turn his life around. That was a very unique way to acknowledge the ridiculous regard in which power was viewed in The Nose.

  3. I don’t really agree with Michael’s points about spoon-feeding the ideas. The visual and audio work together to explain your theme to the viewer. Both, working together, deliver a true experience. Although I agree that it becomes a bit obvious once you combine the visual and the audio, it’s achieves your exact purpose. In the end, your goal is to communicate an idea to the viewer, and you did. The acting was superb and quite notably the facial expressions help to explain how Marc was feeling. I like that your idea seemed to be a bit reverse of The Nose. Instead of losing something per-say Marc found something.

  4. I agree with Nabil in that the music perfectly complements the video choice. It was clear that this presentation is about loneliness and how it looks in modern day. I really liked the symbolism behind the fork and spoon references and I felt that it greatly added to your point. The acting was also top notch and the plot was very relatable. Overall, great job guys.

  5. I really enjoyed this video. The songs, “Lonely” and “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” fit perfectly with the scenes. The outcast did an excellent job at portraying his emotions by putting his head down and attempting to talk to the two friends. I also liked how the friends were at first holding spoons and then without pausing the scene, their spoons became forks. In the next scene, I liked the use of slow motion as the outcast sat on the couch with excitement after finding his hat. My interpretation of this video is that the hat serves the same importance for the outcast as the nose did for Kovalyov. This was evident when the outcast got his two friends back after finding his hat.

  6. I really felt bad for the outcast in this video. No matter what he tried he could not get back to having friends. Until the end when he found his hat, which i think is his own identity. I thought is was creative the way you took the spoon and fork to represent the quality that was undesired. Also I really liked the music you used in the video for the different moments. I am glad this story had a happy ending because some other videos did not.

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