Redefining the Console

There was a time when a console was just a console. But today it is a new generation of gaming. The much anticipated Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are coming out and have redefined the meaning of console yet again. Old consoles like NES and Atari were made to enjoy playing video games, and that was it. From there gaming console evolved to play DVDs, a huge innovation at the time. I remember being thrilled to watch movies on my PlayStation 2 since I did not have a DVD player. Later with the now aging Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, came computer browsing and video streaming. The general trend of consoles was becoming a multipurpose tool.

In my opinion, this change came about mainly due to lack of viable customers for pure gaming consoles. While there are a lot of gamers, they are not included with the “average” consumer. There needs to be some incentive the regular customer to buy it. A console that streams video, has internet, and can play movies alongside gaming appeals a lot more to someone like parents or other older adults. This way the benefits multiple people in a household and has more value. The Article talked about the competition in the gaming market, which is also an important factor. Devices like iPhones, iPads, have entered the gaming market, which puts pressure on gaming consoles to have more features.

I think this change in gaming consoles is a great trend. The Xbox One’s new cable TV support sounds promising. Being able to control with your voices is a great innovation, one that shows how far the Microsoft has gone in voice recognition. The PlayStation 4’s new “share” button is also a welcome improvement. It really conveys the feeling that gaming is no longer something you do alone in the dark in the basement of your mom’s house. It is something that is hared globally with others and will improve as people collaborate.

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Redefining the Console — 6 Comments

  1. I have never owned any gaming devices such as Play Station or Xbox, so the whole revolution of a console comes very new to me. I never knew that you could replace a DVD player with your gaming console, never mind their computer browsing and video streaming abilities. After discovering their innovative functions, I am definitely more attracted to them than before! This reminds me of how cellphones went through groundbreaking changes over years. Cellphones, when first appeared in public, were simply for calling and perhaps, texting. However, we now use them to take quality pictures, surf the web, and interact with others in various ways. I personally welcome this change in consoles.

  2. The gaming industry has changed immensely in the recent years. On one hand, we can see the integration of gaming with other devices. Over the past years, gaming devices begin to develop functionality similar to those of a computer. I own an PS3 with multiple functions, but I only use the gaming function. Although it is true, that gaming device with the various new functions seem more appealing and convenient. I wonder how many people actually use their device for more than gaming. Maybe in the future we won’t even refer to gaming devices as gaming anymore because of what the new systems are capable of.
    On the other hand, companies are developing new ways to game. The Kickstarter project, Ouya, is a new form of gaming that allows its user to create their own games and put it on the market for everyone to try for free. The system uses the Android OS to implement these functions. Another device is the Oculus Rift, which allows its user to wear a visor and immerse themselves in the gaming environment. Users will be able to see what their game characters see. While some gaming devices are changing with integration, new companies are exploring other fields of gaming to develop new consoles entirely.

  3. Video games have come a long way. WIth early model such as the Atari and N64, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have always competed amongst each other to dominate the video game market. The early release of the PS4, as well as the $100 cheaper price tag over its rival Xbox One makes the PS4 very appealing. However, we will have to see which console pulls ahead as Microsoft releases their console next week. As consoles become more advanced, video gamers will more attracted to buy them, due to its new features and availability of new games.

  4. I agree with you and the article that the definition of a console is transforming along with technological development. Not many people are interested in consoles that are used solely for gaming anymore. As you mentioned, a console that could play movies, stream videos, and go on the internet has a much wider appeal and could be a lot more useful. Many people quit gaming after they reached a certain age but barely anyone would quit watching movies or using the internet.
    Also, as you and the article mentioned, the gaming market is becoming a lot more competitive, not only within their field, but also against computers and phones. Today, iPhones features many games including role playing games and first person shooters. Also, many popular online battle arena games such as League of Legends, Starcraft, and DotA are dominating the gaming market. These games have an advantage over consoles because they tend to be cheaper to play and much more accessible since all you need is a computer and the internet. I think the transformation of consoles is a positive development towards gaming since new technology such as voice control could really enhance the gaming experience by allowing you to interact easily with others which foster teamwork and the building of a gaming community.

  5. I really like that gaming consoles are evolving to incorporate more features that make them even more convenient when it comes to entertainment. When I first got my PlayStation 3, I was amazed by all the things I could do on it. I was not only able to play video games and interactive games, but I could also play blu-ray discs, connect to the internet, and stream directly from the device. I think the multipurpose aspect of consoles is great because it makes these machines more useful, appealing, and advantageous to consumers. I’m really excited to see how the new features on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 work and benefit me.

  6. I think it’s kind of sad that gaming consoles are evolving alongside technological development. Everyone is spoiled by the vast use of the internet, the ease of streaming, and the convenience of touch screens. We have access to such everywhere that gaming consoles need to incorporate these functions to remain in demand. Although it’s great that consoles can double or triple as a movie player or an internet platform, in the end it’s a gaming console, and it’s sad that it can’t be used for just that.

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