b_montoni's blog
MOMA: Demoiselles d'Avignon
Submitted by b_montoni on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 01:23Last Saturday I visited the Museum of Modern Art with a friend from high school to see the Demoiselles d'Avignon. I have to admit, I don't usually go to museums and artistic events with this friend so this was a new experience for the both of us. I did not have too much time to spend so I did not have the chance to see some of the other fascinating things that I passed on my way to Demoiselles d'Avignon. However, it was very fortunate knowing that we would return with our class to discuss some other paintings.
BAM Harvey Theater: Quartett
Submitted by b_montoni on Sun, 11/15/2009 - 14:56There are many ways to describe my thoughts on the performance at the Harvey Theater, but the words that come to mind are amazing and confusing. I was really intrigued by the performance and the sound effects, which were often startling. If I remember correctly the first thing we hear was an extremely loud screeching sound that made me jump out of my seat. The costumes of the characters also grabbed my attention because of the vibrant colors and pale faces due to some makeup. Each character wore a single color, whether it was purple, green, red, or white.
Carnegie Hall: And the List Grows
Submitted by b_montoni on Sun, 11/01/2009 - 01:30So today was yet another first as I made my way to Carnegie Hall. It was quite obvious I had never been there as I tried every entrance but the correct one. For class we went to meet Jeremy Geffen, who organizes and selects the performances to be shown at Carnegie Hall. He mentioned to us that he sees hundreds of performances to select from and it takes him a couple of years to completely plan one event.
Reading from the Writer
Submitted by b_montoni on Sat, 10/31/2009 - 20:57The last entry I wrote dealt with a presentation about hip hop and how music gives its own "theory of justice". More recently, we were advised to attend a reading by Joseph O'Connor, which allowed me to be able to compare the two different styles and approaches they each took to get their message across. What intrigued me most about O'Connor's reading was his irish accent and witty jokes. He was also pretty direct with how he was going to go about giving his reading, by telling us how long each section would take.