b_montoni's blog

Camera Lucida Part II

          Part II of Camera Lucida turned my understanding completely around. The first part concluded with a discussion of a number of photographs and the elements of photography such as studium, punctum, referent as well as the ideas on ontology and semiotics. Part two focuses on other ideas like the "winter garden photograph". In the second part of the book Barthes says "painting can feign reality" while photography can not because a photograph involves something "that has been".

Hurricane Katrina: Meet the Artist


Class Discussion: Camera Lucida

          The class discussion in todays class absolutely blew me away with all the information and detail that Barthes was getting across in the first few pages of the book. When I initially read it, I did not find it too difficult to read aside from all the parenthetical statements he was making. However, after reviewing what we read in class, it felt like I read a different book.

International Center of Photography

Walk in the Park

          Yesterday after I got out of school around 4 o'clock I called up my friend and asked her if she wanted to meet up for lunch since we have not been able to talk much since high school ended last year. We decided that i would meet her at her campus, Fordham Lincoln Center. I decided to walk since I had some time to spare but along the way I saw many things that brought questions to my mind.

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