
A Day at the Russian


House of the Dead Opera

 Firstly, I must say that this was my first experience at an opera and it was definitely not what I had expected. I guess I had imagined a stereotyped version of the opera in which a rather thick woman dominates the stage and sings until her lungs can give no more. Yet, this opera was different on various levels. To begin, the show was mostly composed of men. Next, the singing was actually not as loud as I thought it would be ( I imagined it might be a bit unbearably loud, I guess expect some superpower voice). Thirdly, the performance greatly resembled a theatrical showing.

Patty's picture

“Little girls from the city of pope”

We all well know that Picasso’s Demoiselles D’Avignon is a modern painting, no doubt. However, what I find really intriguing is the reason for him to chose to paint in that style and the title he gave to this art piece.

The Opera


whitney.porter's picture

Danzy Senna Reading (Independent Event #2)

Writing is an art form that is very close to my heart. I am so impressed and inspired by writers who follow their passion for the written word, and advance to publish their work. Since coming to Baruch, I have attended a few readings by authors who I never knew existed, but found myself greatly appreciative for having the opportunity to hear each read after attending each event. Danzy Senna’s reading proved to be another experience I am grateful to have had. After reading a brief bio of the author, I was interested to see what she might be like and how she approaches writing.

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