
Tim Burton Exhbit

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the Tim Burton exhibit at MoMA yet, but I hope I get to. (I had to do a lot of work this weekend.) I just think that Tim Burton is a great artist/director/producer with his macabre yet comical imagry and his eccentricity. Although the only movie of his I know I saw was The Nightmare Before Christmas, I do hope one day to see Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands, and Beetlejuice, among other movies.

Independent Event #2: New York Historical Society

Last week, I visited the New York Historical Society with a couple of friends. At the museum, I visited the Lincoln exhibit and the John Brown exhibit. I had never used my cultural passport to get into any museum free, this was my first time. It was quite amazing to have VIP like passes within my possession. Throughout my life, history was never a part of my interests, but I was clearly fascinated with some of the valuables that they had within the exhibits.

MoMA tour 11/18

The class went on a tour of the cubism exhibit at the MoMA. We looked at several different paintings by Pablo Picasso. One that stuck with me was "Girl with a Mandolin." It's an oil painting made by Picasso in the early 1900s in Paris.

whitney.porter's picture

Thinking More About the Meaning of Art

Since my recent trips to the MoMA, I've been thinking a lot about previous class discussions regarding how "art" is defined. When I walked around the museum I saw everything from drawings to paintings to sculptures to furniture. It seems so hard to distinguish what is art and what is simply a functional accessory to everyday life. In an art class in high school we watched a video about design, and I remember listing to the teacher all the different forms of art.

Markers Exhibit

     For our IDC presentation, my group and I were assigned the Markers exhibit in Madison Square Park. To be completely honest, I have passed by Madison Square Park tons of times but I had never noticed the exhibit before ! So when I went to view them, I was genuinely surprised by what I saw. The color of each of the sculptures contrast with the greenery around them and at first you don't really know what to make of the sculptures. Weirdly enough I thought of animals, then I thought of shapes, and then I decided just to read the description.

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