
DANCE @ CityCenter

In general I found the dance performance to be entertaining in the fact that it was different from what most would expect. I went into the theatre awaiting a typical ballet performance; however, I was surprised during the second and fourth performances. At first, I thought the second dance was rather strange and repetitive. Yet, once they started to change up the dance a bit,away from the "crazy-like running in place" move, I began to see the artists as performing interpretative dance. Personally, I found the second performance to be representative of a newborn come to life.

Reading for Monday - on Mark Morris

I've emailed the reading, and we're working on getting it posted.  Be sure to check this out as well!

(Click to read more...)


independent event #2




Bernard Baruch's picture

can i edit you?


Surprise! Art!

Art can come in every shape, size, and variety. That is why art can surprise you with where it pops up. Like a playground, art is alive within the swings, and the slides, and the graffiti, but also in the weeds popping up in between cracks in the pavement. There are many facets of art that we are so ingrained in the landscape of our daily lives, that we never learn to appreciate the beauty, and the refuge, that they hold for us.

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