hannah lee

Snapshot NYC

Snapshot Day was a chance to reflect on our future aspirations. We had to find a place, a neighborhood, that could best describe who we are now and who we hope to become. I had a difficult time while brainstorming locations for my future vicinity. The only thing that I knew I wanted, without a doubt, was for the area to be urban.

Photography V. Cinema

What's the difference between a moving image and a photograph? Both require the photographer and film director to be present in the moment. I know that it'd be difficult to compare two very distinct forms of art, but Barthes' liking of photography "in opposition to Cinema" made me want to explore this concept (3).

Meet the Artist: Thomas Neff


Camera Lucida

In front of the camera, unless one is a complete natural in the spotlight, he or she changes. It’s normal for people to pose in front of the lens. I tend to smile, make a funny face, or just glare at the camera. A photograph captures a moment in time, and no photograph is exactly like another because time is constantly flowing. We’re constantly changing too. We’re never the same as we were when the photograph was taken.

Art Below the Surface

I've forgotten which subway station it was. Down this long passageway, there were words written on the signs on the ceiling and mosaic all along the walls. It may have been the 42nd street, Times Square Station, but I’m not sure. I saw it on one of my field trips with the kids I worked with at camp.

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