Fall for Dance

Fall for dance was intense. It was so many different styles and interpretations of dance that it was like "BAM"-It hit you in the face. I loved that we got to see one of the more exciting programs that were held throughout Fall for Dance's run at City Center because my roommate was telling me about her experience and I found that mine was much better. Seeing the show made me miss dancing so badly and so i was feeling very melancholy but I knew that because watching the show had inspired me to dance again, I had appreciated the dancers' talent. 

Mishkin Gallery Visit

I thought that the visit to the Mishkin Gallery was interesting, since I learned how to analyze the various pictures in the gallery. I have found that guided tours really help me understand the pictures in a gallery, even if I feel that there is not much to be said about a picture. For instance, there was a very empty picture of three trees, and I thought there was not much to be said about it.

For Professor Bergman, The beginning of my essay.

Dear Professor Bergman,

You stated that we can comprise a blog of where we were going with our essay, so that you can give us feedback on if we're making a right start.

Here is the my rough title and introduction:

Fall for Dance Review

Fall for Dance was different from the ballets I am used to seeing, as it showcases multiple dance troupes rather than just one, so it was interesting to see how these different dance troups compare.

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