I Fell For Fall For Dance



 Both the John Wood exhibition and the Avedon exhibition have ended at the ICP. Patty and I went today with no luck! Read this before you venture out. 

DANCE @ CityCenter

In general I found the dance performance to be entertaining in the fact that it was different from what most would expect. I went into the theatre awaiting a typical ballet performance; however, I was surprised during the second and fourth performances. At first, I thought the second dance was rather strange and repetitive. Yet, once they started to change up the dance a bit,away from the "crazy-like running in place" move, I began to see the artists as performing interpretative dance. Personally, I found the second performance to be representative of a newborn come to life.

Reading for Monday - on Mark Morris

I've emailed the reading, and we're working on getting it posted.  Be sure to check this out as well!

(Click to read more...)


independent event #2




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