Submitted by Laura Abreu on Sun, 12/13/2009 - 20:27Exactly one week ago, I had to wake up in the wee hours in the morning to attend Macaulay's Snapshot Event and the honors College. As soon as i arrived, there was a general feeling of being lost and purposelessness at the college. Many people had not arrived, and the general sense of the event was a "do it and go" kinda of thing. Therefore, I grouped up with my friends that I knew, made a small group and started filming random photographs that we liked.
SNAPSHOT Galley @ Macaulay
Submitted by maxilia on Sun, 12/13/2009 - 19:30Last Sunday, I attended the Macaulay Snapshot gallery of the photographs taken on October 11. Seeing as I had to be at the school by 9am , I expected some significant tasks to be presented. However, for the most part I found that the event was unorganized. To begin, there were no clear groups formed, instead it was up to the individual to make the group. Next, there was no clear leader who directed the students or really explained what was to be done. Everyone seemed to be going around with their own business.