American Museum of Natural History ( indepedent event 4)
Submitted by maxilia on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 19:23On saturday in the blistering cold, I decided to visit the American Musuem of Natural History. Though I basically froze on my way over there, it was definitely worth the trip, especially with the virtually free admission (donation). I first visited the area dedicated to astronomy and apart from reading just about the stars like the temperature of the Sun (6,000 F), I got to weight myself. Apparently my weight in some specific planets was less than a single pound, in fact it was .1 of a pound. So this was a litte fun deed to go about doing.
Independent Visit #3: Museum of Arts and Design Paper Exhibit!
Submitted by itzkevinn on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 19:08Let me start by saying I have never been so lost in New York in my life. Since I've never taken the train to Columbus Circle by myself, I didn't know where to go after I got off the train. I walked in all four directions before asking someone and realizing that the museum was just across the street from the circle! As I walked in to the museum, the counterperson gave me a hard time by saying that the Macaulay passport would not be free admission. I argued for a good 5 minutes before she finally called someone and realized she was wrong.
The House really was Dead.
Submitted by Laura Abreu on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 18:47I had very high expectations for House of the Dead at the Metropolitan Opera this Wednesday. However, the opera didn't exactly meet my expectations. Although I fully understood that the style of the book is dreary and uneventful in itself, I thought the opera would be somewhat more lively. I expected the acting and singing to bring excitement to the story of the House of the Dead. Apparently, these were not the intentions of the opera itself. All throughout, mostly everything about the opera was very bleak and monotonous.

Thoughts about The House of the Dead Opera
Submitted by whitney.porter on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 18:29By class time on Wednesday, I had only read a portion of Dostoevsky's The House of the Dead. After reading this much of the novel, I was very interested to see how the story would transfer onto stage. It was very difficult to imagine how Janacek could possibly transform this story into an opera. The performance was not at all what I had anticipated based on my prior knowledge of the opera. In class, Professor Bergman mentioned that we might find ourselves waiting for the song to start, and I caught myself doing this just a few minutes into the performance.
Ind Event #4: American Folk Art Museum
Submitted by Laura Abreu on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 18:01Recently, me and a few of my idc colleagues went on a visit to see the Tim Burton exhibit at the MoMA during our extensive Tuesday break. After journeying to the MoMA, we arrive to see a nice sign outside the museum saying that it was closed. We were very disappointed, but we were there to go to a museum and we were going to get it. We ended up at the American Folk Art museum, not very far away and luckily got inside for free although they were giving us a hard time with our cultural passports.