painting, music, peformance, museums, photography, baruch, sculpture, public art, writing, Ross, nyc, street art, deborah sebrow, sara, michelle, Natasha, kevin lee, jolene, whitney, Patty, nyc arts, hannah lee, laura, matthew, jerrica, Bobby, Alex , fashion, maxilia, aimee, graffiti, fred, photography's discursive spaces, concert, people and places, bergman, circus, tattoos, stephanie, readings, John Wood, movies, natasha, ICP, MET, camera lucida, who we are

whitney.porter's picture

Tim Burton Films at the MoMA

At the MOMA: Les Demoiselles d' Avignon

Demoiselles d' Avignon is a painting that features five females in the nude. Each one is in a different position and all meet your gaze directly if you stare into the painting. It's an uneasy confrontation that engages the viewer like we discussed in class. Their bodies are very angular and strong, but nonetheless still feminine. It would have never occurred to me that these women were prostitutes from a brothel. I thought it was a bold painting celebrating the strength of women in their bare and natural state. The confrontation that can come across as uneasy is really effective here.

Alexander String Quartet at the Baruch Performing Arts Center

The Alexander String Quartet's performance began with a sweet sounding introduction. I've always admired violins for their ability to produce music that can sound sweet yet powerful. The performance was a nice reminder. The classical music they played was calming. The soft notes were floating through my ears. They were so sweet in fact that I would love to listen it on the train during stressful morning rush hours and whenever I just needed to cool my head. I pictured a scene from a disney movie, one in which all the magical creatures of the forest would come running.

Filming in my Apartment

"Quiet on Set"

"Pictures Up"

"Camera Rolling" 


Independent Visit #1 Museum of Art and Design

 Last week I went to the Museum of Art and Design with Jerrica and Laura, and it was FASCINATING ! The exhibit was called Slash and it was different art pieces made completely out of paper. All the artwork was done so meticulously and refined that it was hard to believe it was made solely out of paper. The life-sized man was so weirdly fascinating to me. It was composed of colored paper with the exact parts of the body on the paper, fitting perfectly to form the man's body and looking unbelievably real.

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