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Martial Arts


A climax is a turning point in a plot during which the characters of a story are usually greatly changed or develop a new way of thinking. Everybody at some point in time experiences a climax or turning point in their lives. It can be thought of as an evolution from one mindset to another.

If there is one word which has left my mouth more than any other in the past 5 years, it would have to be “training.” Whether it was wrestling practice, weight training, running, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or other forms of it, training has occupied a tremendous portion of my everyday life. Many may think that the types of training that I do are solely physical; however, training makes people stronger, faster, and simply put, better, both physically and mentally.
My love for Martial Arts and related combat sports reached its peak when I entered High School. At five feet, three inches tall, I was confronted by a man who towered over me at six feet, two inches tall and approximately three hundred pounds. This giant of a man, Dr. George A. Hero, looked at me and said “You’d make a great lightweight! How much do you weigh?” I looked up at him and said in a proud, bold tone, “One hundred and fifteen pounds sir!” That was the day I joined Midwood High School’s wrestling team. Little did I know that I would soon fall in love with the sport to the point of obsession.
I wrestled all throughout high school and progressively got bigger, stronger, faster, more technical, and most important of all, more determined. I loved it more than anything I had ever encountered before. My mother of course, hated it. She told me that it would interfere with my school work. At the end of high school, I would prove her wrong by getting accepted into the Macaulay CUNY Honors College at Baruch.
In my senior year, I was appointed captain of the wrestling team which could be thought of as a climax within a climax. Wrestling had already done so much for me but when I was told that I would be captain during my senior year, I had what is called an epiphany. My views on life totally changed because for that moment, and for the entire time that I was leading my team as their captain, I was the happiest I had ever been. The feeling of people looking up to me was the most empowering one I’d ever felt. The season would eventually end, but the title of captain would stay with me forever.
After my days at Midwood High School had come to an end, I decided to devote myself to mixed Martial Arts. I joined a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school which I am currently attending on a regular basis. I have never felt as good as I do now that I have found my passion. The sensation and satisfaction that flow throughout my mind and body when I’m training are unexplainable. Then again, it has been said that the greatest feelings in life are those that can not be explained.
It is very important for a person to find his or her passion in this world. Looking into the many different arts is a great place to start. I have found my passion in the Martial Arts and training. It has given me a new outlook on life and a new way of thinking. This turning point in my life has left a permanent, inerasable mark on me, and it is one that I am very happy to bear. Through my training I have developed courage, strength, determination, and will power among countless other characteristics. Life has given me a tool; and using that tool I intend to discover my destiny, realize my meaning, and achieve my fullest potential as a human being.

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