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Awakenings » Blog Archive » About Faces: It’s all fun fun fun!

About Faces: It’s all fun fun fun!


I grew up living down the block from my elementary school. It seemed after I left one school to enter the next, the distance began to lengthen. First it was from elementary to intermediate school; half a block to twelve blocks. Then it was from intermediate to high school; twelve blocks to two boroughs. Finally I’ve arrived to college to reach a median. It’s actually quite fitting to arrive at Baruch College since I’ve ventured so far and not so far for my education but in the end I will arrive right in between.
The transition from school to school has always been my biggest fear. Before I entered any school I had to get a survey of who was going to go to that very same school. Essentially, I had a fear of being alone. I entered intermediate school without my best friend from elementary school. I entered high school without my best friend from intermediate school. Finally, I enter college without my best friend from high school. Sometimes it’s puzzling how the education system builds us up and breaks us down. We are technically suppose to come in with a blank slate but expected to know everything we’ve learned before. We’re suppose to find new friends but we can’t seem to let go of our old ones. We grow wearisome of the similar teachers and the similar assignments but we come in hoping to experience something different, to be delightfully surprised.
My life’s passion was volleyball for three years. I entered high school not knowing what to attach myself to. Was it going to be the debate team? How about the newsletter association? No, I’ve got it! Let’s go for the robotics team. Fortunately, I didn’t cling myself onto any of these popular groups in my high school and chose to venture out to something I’ve never tried before. Volleyball was that sport that you always thought you were decent in, that seemed fun, that seemed like something you could do in your spare time. Later I found out it was much more. Volleyball became a home for me. I met my best friend on the volleyball team, my favorite teacher coached the team, the funniest kids tried out for the team, and the best pals came to watch our games. After my senior season, everything was sort of bittersweet. The bitter part was the start of something atrocious and vile, the college application process. The sweet part was the victories and loses, the harsh lessons that ultimately brought our team together. Looking back on it now, volleyball was the greatest thing I’ve committed myself to but hopefully it won’t be the greatest thing I partake in because if it is that’s pretty dreary for the future. Good thing I’m a big laugher. If my corny jokes don’t get you to smile than I’ll just have to laugh at myself and that usually gets the giggles going. Well this is me and I hope I made you read this through past the second paragraph. =)

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