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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Reflections in the City

Reflections in the City


I decided for my photography project to take pictures of reflections that I see in the city. Many people take normal reflection pictures of buildings, and therefore, I made sure my pictures would have a different twist. But this wasn’t as easy as I expected it to be. At first, I thought that the instant I went outside, the theme would come to me. However, on my way home from school, when I walked to Port Authority, a theme just wasn’t coming. So I sat for a long time, and then the theme of reflections came to me. Even though many people do this same theme for various art projects I didn’t care– the city was a place for real art opportunity. So I set out to find my pictures.

I started off thinking, now that I had my theme, I would still take pictures on my way to Port Authority. But by the end of the day, I was so tired, and didn’t want to keep my eyes constantly aware for photo opportunities.
Therefore, I continued on with plan number two: sitting in Madison Square Park during my breaks, and waiting for my pictures to just come to me. Well, while sitting in the park I took pictures of the playground, and the pond. But then I was out of ideas- what else would I find in the park? Then, I realized I should take a picture of somebody in sunglasses. However, I felt very much in people’s space to take a picture that close up, which explains why my picture of a man in sunglasses had to be zoomed in to be able to see the reflection. But then I had to move beyond the park, because It no longer was bringing me any photo material. Therefore, I picked myself up, and took a walk around the area, which is where I found the picture of the Christmas tree ornaments, and the mirrored awning. Here, I didn’t feel awkward because there were many people in that area with cameras, so I felt quite at home. Besides, the ornaments were in a storefront, and the awning was outside the building, so I didn’t worry about annoying anyone, or embarrassing myself.
But as I walked around on the streets of NY, no ideas were coming to my head- what other photos was I going to find? Then, I passed the really cool motorcycle with the mirrors sticking out, so I thought it was a cool picture. As I continued up the street, I realized I was walking behind this couple, who were both wearing the same color olive green, which I thought was really cool. The colors were reflecting back and forth, and I had to capture the moment.
I thought, wow, enough pictures for today, maybe I’ll come back tomorrow. However, walking back to school, I walked past the park again, and it was pretty sunny outside. Oh, I thought to myself, why don’t I take a picture of someone’s shadow? Well, I was sitting on a bench, when I realized the lady next to me was sitting in a good position and had a very clear shadow. So I suavely stood up, walked a couple of feet away, took her picture, and walked away. She didn’t notice a thing. Well, I was happy! I had most of my pictures already taken. And suddenly, I was walking on Park Ave, around the corner from school, when I spotted a truck shipping out old furniture from an office. And there, lying face up before me on the ground was a mirror. Well, I felt like an artist uncovering ancient art, and snapped a picture of the mirror. My luck was with me, because just a couple of seconds ahead of me I saw the mirror door, and took a picture, which is why my reflection is on the door.
Finally my project was completed! But the best part about the whole assignment was that I have these great snapshots of New York, and I felt like a real photographer on the job. Now, while I am taking walks in the city, and see interesting sights, I fight the urge to take out my camera, and capture the image.

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One Response to “Reflections in the City”

  1. Dmitry Says:

    I love the originality of this project! I had the same difficulties when choosing a theme for my project. I think your pictures came out very well, especially the one with reflection of the trees on the lake. Your definitely a photographer in my eyes!

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