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Awakenings » 2007» December

Archive for December, 2007

Angela Brown

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007


There are few words that can describe the encounter with Angela Brown. She is quite a character and has a brilliant persona. She open up to her audience and allowed us to unite and merge with her. One could not have expected a complete stranger to accept one with open arms like Angela Brown did. She acted as if the audience was her friend and they were getting together for coffee to chat and talk about old times. Her hand gestures and quotes had to be what captured the audience most. Statements such as “come on sugar” and “girlfriend” added to her friendly hand gestures. The quotes and gestures kept the audiences on the edge because one wanted to see what she would do and say next. (more…)

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The Epiphany

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007


Sex is a sensitive topic that, overtime, has become more socially accepted. As a child one never imagines that people have sex on a regular basis, only when they are in love or want to start a family. Then comes the epiphany, everyone has this sexual awakening, a moment when they notice that sex is not uncommon, but instead a norm. (more…)

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Sunday, December 2nd, 2007



New York City is a bustling town. People are constantly rushing past you, bumping into you, and sometimes even tripping over you. This is what New York City is known for: its lights, its crazy taxi drivers, and its people. Street photography, born out of the depths of despair and depression, was an outlet for photographers such as Jeff Mermelstein, Diane Arbus, Evan Walker, and many more. These photographers chose a number of themes to work with but something that struck out for me was the connection they shared when capturing the city. On my adventure to accomplish what these notable photographers were famous for, I realized that this was not going to be easy. Taking pictures of things around you came easily, but putting meaning into them was extremely difficult. I did not have a purpose for my pictures, lacking direction or meaning. It wasn’t until looking through the frivolous pictures I had taken, that I noticed something I captured unintentionally. It was a picture of a man walking by. I remember that shot clearly. It was taken in haste but I just felt the need to take my camera out and take a quick shot. It was not of anyone in particular, just a fellow Baruch student. I didn’t extend an invitation or greet the individual. To a great extent, I invaded his privacy and caught a glimpse of his life, as he sped by me. (more…)

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Celeste Aida: Singing at the Met

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007


Opera reviews these days concentrate heavily on the magnificent scope of the production rather than the music – but with Angela Brown flowing flawlessly from delicately high notes down to low, chest-thrusting tones, the music in Verdi’s Aida is a bit hard to overlook. (more…)

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Oops, She Did It Again

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007


Angela M. Brown is one down to earth ‘sistah.’ “I never wanted to be what I would have described as a screechy soprano,” she explained to a group of Baruch students, most who had never seen an opera. Fortunately for opera fans worldwide though, she changed her mind.


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