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Awakenings » 2007» December

Archive for December, 2007

Aida: All-Deserving Praise

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007


“Aida” represents the epitome of the ill-fated love triangle. Even with its cliché qualities of love, war, envy, and death, this performance never once has a dull, predictable moment. This psychological tug-of-war for Aida, Radames, and Amneris is perfectly conveyed in every word, movement, and facial expression.


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A Perfectionist’s Masterpiece

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007


“Blind Mouth Singing” under Ruben Polendo’s direction, is a theatrical experience that truly intrigues the mind. He successfully shares the story of a dysfunctional family with all its secrets and problems. Reiderico, played by Jon Norman Schneider, faces a psychological problem with his fascination and obsession with the boy in the well, Lucero. At the same time, the Mother of the Late Afternoon attempts to keep her family under her control, petrified of change. Finally, Bolivia, struggles in keeping her secret identity and mischievous Gordi proves his manhood through cruelty and his ultimate betrayal to his brother.


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The Natural Power Of Love

Tuesday, December 4th, 2007

Natural Power Of Love

Nature and love seem to be powerful forces that people simply can’t dominate. No matter how industrial our society becomes, nature never fails to penetrate the toughest cement sidewalks, or the most structured buildings. Nature’s presence surrounds us, whether we welcome it or try to eradicate it. Romantic love shares similar challenges that nature faces but while nature’s beauty is never denied, the first faces more chastising antagonism. Romantic love is almost considered a taboo topic for single, young-adults, from traditional South-Asian societies and else where. Born in Pakistan, I hadn’t known any relatives that had any so-called “love-marriages”—or maybe they were all forced into hiding. Growing up in America, I have noticed a conflicting cultural aspect when it comes to the topic of romantic love, which is still a forbidden topic among traditional South-Asian Americans. Nonetheless, whether it is spoken of or not, such love exists and can’t be hidden in the depths of the mind. Like nature, it can emerge even among the toughest structures and obstacles. Furthermore, nature itself seems to champion and support the very essence of such love.


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The Lights in New York

Monday, December 3rd, 2007



The lights in New York are varied and unique, just the way the inhabitants are. Effective lighting can be taken for granted, and many do not give a second thought to all the different lights that lend to New York’s never ending glow. I decided to have my theme focus around the lights found in New York because I can appreciate the power and significance of lighting in creating a mood or just serving a practical purpose. (more…)

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Opera is More than Just Singing

Monday, December 3rd, 2007


The Metropolitan Opera production of Aida was simply breathtaking. Not only were the costumes and stage props elaborate, the powerful, almost haunting voices of Aida played by Angela Brown, Amneris played by Luciana D’Intino, and Radames played by Franco Farina added heightened emotions to the story’s otherwise hackneyed love-triangle plot. (more…)

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Met Opera Star Shines Through and Through

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

On October 30th, Metropolitan Opera singer Angela Brown visited Baruch to speak to students who were about to see her perform in Aida. Brown, who plays the title role in Aida, told her story of how she was transformed from a choirgirl singing in the chorus at church to the true Verdian Aida that many opera fans have been anticipating. Brown explained the tribulations she encountered during her training, and told the story with charisma, personality, and her own star-like quality. (more…)

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Sigrid Nunez Shows off Her Human Side

Monday, December 3rd, 2007


Sigrid Nunez, the current writer in residence at Baruch College, brought to life an excerpt from her novel The Last of Her Kind at a book reading event. The question and answer session was memorable in the eyes of the audience members, who were taken aback by both Nunez’s reserve when answering questions about her craft and openness when describing anecdotes of her days as a reckless teenager. (more…)

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NYC: Mark Your Territory

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007


pict2995.jpgStreet photography, as Jeff Mermelstein described it, is “going out into the real world and searching for an un-staged, unexpected surprise.” Sometimes, this surprise will capture our society’s charisma and ferocity. Other times and luckily, you might grasp the resonance of the bizarre or those socially castrated and isolated. From the homeless all the way to the “white-collar” businessmen, any moment can become eccentric and striking. Street photography allows you to experience the world’s raw, unaltered beauty. (more…)

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Cold Turkey

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007


Street photography is a category of documentary photography that features its subjects in various locations in the public domain. I tried to stretch this definition of street photography to not only fit people and objects on the street, but objects and people in restaurants, hookah bars, parties, and even my rooftop. Along the way I faced several challenges, particularly taking a theme and then more importantly, developing that theme to create a message. There were also other issues, including technical camera settings, missing shots, and probably the worst, garnering enough courage to take close up shots of random people. Despite the challenges I faced, the end result of my flirtation with street photography has left me with some powerful pictures that I can be proud of. (more…)

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Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

As one walks into the Metropolitan Opera House, one is in awe by its grandeur and needs a couple of seconds to absorb the energy. Then, the lights dim, the curtains rise, and the opera begins. Instantly, the audience is dazzled by the impressive stage, only to witness it quadruple in size once the stage backdrop rises. Throughout it all, the audience listens to the orchestra play smooth melodies coupled with the powerful voices of the singers. One never knew that ears could sustain and capture such sounds, pitches and wavelengths. The experience could have been therapeutic by simply having the audience close their eyes and listen to it all.

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