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Awakenings » Blog Archive » A Must See

A Must See


If Frank Wedekind were alive today to see Spring’s Awakening on Broadway he would proclaim himself the happiest man alive (well to make such assumptions is rather ridiculous but Mr. Wedekind is not alive so there will be no worry of a lawsuit.) The Broadway version of the controversial German play delivers a spectacular showing, with the only flaw being a rather large amount of saliva.

Before the show even begins, you are left wondering why there are seats on stage and who is sitting them. Well, it turns out those seats can be purchased by any individual for a small fee of $37.50 per seat.

Even though you probably find yourself wishing the entire show to be one of those select few on stage, the actual performance does not disappoint. Though the average age of the cast was in the low 20’s, the acting was spectacular. Furthermore, the modern rock music added a fantastic spin to Wedekind’s play, though some who are not keen to the guitar and drum beats will be turned off. But the lighting was far beyond anything ever seen. Creating a mood in a musical is sometimes difficult but Spring’s Awakening flawlessly transitions from the thoughts and feelings of the characters to the actual events taking place.

As previously mentioned, the only negative was the tremendous amount of saliva that left one of the actor’s mouths though if you were not in the first two rows, it was unlikely you were affected.

Spring’s Awakening is a must see. Arguably the best show on Broadway, this revival of Frank Wedekind’s German play about teenage sexual awakening adds even more controversy to a play that is already one of the most censored of all time.

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