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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Angela Brown Lights up Baruch

Angela Brown Lights up Baruch

ef3.jpg         She said that she had to catch up with her vision.  It is safe to say she succeeded.  Any artistic, vocally inclined vision that can not be realized with a lead role at the Metropolitan Opera House is probably closer to pure fantasy anyway.  When Angela Brown came to Baruch College, she brought her vision with her.             

            Angela Brown inhabits the role of Aida in the Met’s production of the classic opera of the same name.  She said right from the start that she is not the standard diva.  She told us we could ask her anything and she even invited us to interrupt her as she was speaking to interject with questions.  Clearly, she was absolutely right in her self-description.  Though unassuming as she may be, Angela Brown is larger than life.  Exuberant in mannerism, delighted to be with all of us, and anxious to answer our questions, besides from having the grace to come see us in the first place, Angela Brown had quite a presence.  We were in awe as she ever so humbly fed us details of the grandness of her post at the Met.  At the same time she told the story of her youth and of the path her life had taken in a way that felt immediately relatable.  Closer to a friend in a high place than any kind of lecturer, the warmth of Ms. Brown’s personality was felt by all in the room.             In true opera fashion, a bouquet of flowers was presented to Ms. Brown at the end of the event.  Genuine delight and appreciation was as present in her eyes upon receiving it as it was in the faces of those in the modest crowd.  It seemed that she was just as fascinated by us as wee were with her.  Reciprocal and unadulterated interest is a delight to behold and to be a part of.  Just like her voice, Angela Brown’s story was unique, exciting, but most of all, powerful.

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