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Electra :)

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

The Arts in New York City header image 2

Electra :)

October 13th, 2007 · No Comments

Well I thought in the beginning that we had orchestra seats. But we did not… the seats were not so bad, I just had a very tall woman sit in front of me. Very unfortunate.

I did not like the beginning so much because it was droning to me. And the actors were not doing anything interesting except for the part when Electra flings herself onto the wall. I really thought that the last 15 minutes is what brought the play to life. It was really intense. I felt Electra’s pain and sorrow when she was clutching her brother’s ashes. But what really disturbed me is the last scene when she rejoices over her dead mother’s body. The audience was able to share in her happiness but for a selfish reason.

I think that I would watch the play over to get a clearer understanding of the play. The last 15 minutes was really something amazing to watch. I would recommend it to whoever wants to go see it.


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