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The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

The Arts in New York City header image 2


October 12th, 2007 · No Comments

At first, I was afraid that I would have to sit through 2 hours (with no intermission) of boring Greek recitation that I would have no hope of following. My fears were dispelled in the first few minutes as Electra entered the stage with her wailing.

Blood!: The portrayal of the lust for revenge was almost pornographic. The moans from Electra and the suggestive language as her brother killed her mother were horrifying to say the least. The finale was gruesome; Electra actually drank her mother’s blood.

The chorus was beautiful and the cast brought, what would have otherwise been a boring recitation of Greek poetry (yuk!), to life.

So, despite the opening, I enjoyed myself. Actually, I had trouble restraining myself; I had half a mind to strangle Clytemnestra myself.

Excitedly yours,

Priya :)


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