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BAM!: The budding of my love for Joseph Cornell.

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

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BAM!: The budding of my love for Joseph Cornell.

October 12th, 2007 · No Comments

Hotel Cassiopeia lovely to say the least. The actor who played Joseph Cornell was adorable; his innocence was very convincing and his love for his brother was touching, to say the least. The anachronistic plot, the colorful (yet simple) set and the symbolism were all amazing. This was one performance that led me to research. I wanted to know more about the artist once I watched.

So, here is what I found:

- Joseph Cornell created a film montage called, “Rose Hobart” entirely from film he found in a New Jersey warehouse. He re-edited “East of Borneo” and named it after the main actress of the play- Rose Hobart. I believe we saw a “conversation” between him and Rose Hobart in the play. Is it possible that we were shown sections of film that might have become parts of a montage?

- Joseph Cornell created an assemblage titled “Cassiopeia 1″

Cassiopeia 1


Verso of Cassiopieia 1

“Verso of Cassiopeia 1″.

The set of the play looked like a splicing of the two assemblages.

-Cornell lived with his mother and brother in Flushing, NY for most of his life. He cared deeply for his homebound brother “Robert Cornell.” His shy nature kept him at home for most of his life.

Interestedly yours,

Priya :)

PS. Yum. Donuts!


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