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Preparing for the Show

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

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Preparing for the Show

October 10th, 2007 · 9 Comments

What do you anticipate from tonight’s performance of Hotel Cassiopeia? Respond in the comments!


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9 responses so far ↓

  • 1 eleung // Oct 10, 2007 at 3:48 pm

    Truly, I am confused. Joseph Cornell’s pieces did not really grab my mind, or, rather, my mind did not grab his pieces. All of his pieces were so eccentric. If I am so confused by that, I feel as though the performance will leave me confused. Hmm…perhaps, confused isn’t the word to describe the play. I suppose that the issues of the play will be subtle, not exactly obvious, if that makes any sense at all.

    Since Professor Drabik said that this performance includes theatre, singing, and dance, I really do not know what to expect. How do I comment on all three as a whole? This is frustrating to think about.

    It won’t be an easy play to understand.

  • 2 Ruby // Oct 10, 2007 at 4:37 pm

    Since the performance has a lot to do with the artist, Joseph Cornell, who has a peculiar style of displaying items in boxes, I expect the performance to be quite different, or maybe even unconventional, in terms of the way it is going to be presented.

    When I looked at the pieces in class, I noticed everything is placed in boxes. There are some questions I have in mind as I pondered what Joseph Cornell is trying to show in each box: what does the box mean? Why did Joseph Cornell collect specific items and put them in a box? How do they reflect the artistic view of Joseph Cornell? I think I will find the answers, or at least have some clues after today’s performance.

  • 3 bbeacom // Oct 10, 2007 at 5:20 pm

    What do I expect?
    I expect to see an abstract performance based on an abstract artist. Upon reading the description of the performance, with a “hallucinatory landscape” I got alittle afraid. Is this going to be one of those totally random plays filled with way too much thinking or can I just appreciate the beauty of everything?
    I am looking forward to a visual performance for a visual artist. Surrounded by visual artists in high school, it would be interesting to see a theatrical performance.

  • 4 Stephen // Oct 10, 2007 at 5:23 pm

    Based on the pictures we saw today, I expect this to be an overload of themes and plots and “stuff” in general. As professor Drabik has mentioned, it emcompasses all the forms of art (ie dance, song, etc.) I’m not a big fan of dance but it certainly will be “interesting” to see a combination of everything. Its hard to imagine juxtaposing everything into one play. It’s a lot to absorb and will be maybe the more challenging theater performance to see and analyze.

  • 5 nperez-hernandez // Oct 10, 2007 at 5:28 pm

    To be honest, I’m not certain what to expect from Hotel Cassiopeia. I am somewhat excited, as I am for most performances, but the mixed presentation of the show (film, photography, acting, dance, etc.) scares me. Will it be too “artsy” that I won’t be able to comprehend it? Will I have to spend the entire performance analyzing what it “means”? I hope not.

    But, since Junior’s is reportedly close by, there will be something to look forward to after this trek to Brooklyn.

  • 6 gdrabik // Oct 10, 2007 at 11:03 pm

    Great that at least some of you have already posted your “anticipation” comments. Note how your questions (& fears/ worries) can be provocative & can “open up” new paths. Puzzlement is a good invitation, in fact a very good invitation to further speculation.
    Please continue posting “anticipation” remarks if you have written them down before seeing the play. You can use them as a starting point for responding to your own initial, pre-performance doubts & expectations. (See also my other note on film clippings!)

  • 7 Samema // Oct 11, 2007 at 1:06 am

    What did I except before going into this play? Well actually I had no idea what it was going to be about. The title was explained in class as a transition and I figured that it probably was going to be abstract or something. And it was said to have everything in it, like dance and acting. So I wanted to see that.

    And I was excited about going to Juniors afterwards because I was not sure that it would be open until late. Well I guess I got lucky! And hopefully no one finds that out :)

  • 8 fahmad // Oct 11, 2007 at 6:06 pm

    Here’s what I thought about before I saw the play:

    The play would be about someone of wealth due to the objects shown in the painting (Untitled- the box with the objects placed in it). Money and coins had been saved.

    I also thought it would be about sentiment and preserving a moment in time, due to all the pictures and momentos placed so carefully in such a secure heavy-duty wooden box.

    Now I realize I was pretty off. Going into this play, I honestly had no clue what to expect. I knew it was supposed to be about an artist, but that’s all.

  • 9 El MR // Oct 24, 2007 at 1:04 am

    upon looking at joseph cornells pieces of work today i think that the play, dance, music would try to explain why he did his work of art in such a way. i think that it would definately be a little bit confusing cause it is trying to see how the mind of a person works. what the thing that i am most exited about is seeing all or most forms of art being included in one. this should be interesting i have not seen anything like that before.

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