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Getting yelled at for eating M &M’s

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

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Getting yelled at for eating M &M’s

October 7th, 2007 · 1 Comment

I know this is a bit late (I was in studio all weekend for architecture!), lol, but I really need to express my feelings about this event!

Lets start with the good. The acting was phenomonal; not just the facial expressions, but the body language and tone of voice were great! The singing was even more phenomenal.. how some of them held those notes and then switched from low to high notes so easily truly surpasses shock.. I think everyone mentioned the set. I didn’t even realize it was turned at an angle towards us, until I saw the floorboards and then I was shocked. When the curtains first opened, I was just so stunned, or as someone else put it, 0_0. My mouth was literally open.. it looked soooo 3D! The details were highly realistic, and the daylight seemed so genuine! Props to the conductor for guiding the musicians and actors beautifully. I was in band in hs so I guess it was kind of natural for me to be glancing at the conductor many times.

Ok, the bad. (Not too many, but I did feel there were some flaws)

I have to agree with what Evan mentioned in class. I did feel as if some of the songs in the beginning weren’t really songs, but more of what was dialogue. The first scene did not capture my attention as much as the next. However, that’s not to say it wasn’t a good scene. It could have used some improvement, that’s all. I do think the method they used to carry out the first scene was great, however. Also, I have to agree with Emily, that Suzanna did overact. She seemed to be putting too much “umph” into whatever she was doing. However, now knowing that it was her debut for this play makes me reprimand her much less, and give her a thumbs up!

Oh, and of course, the title doesn’t have much to do with anything, I just thought I would have a different title since of course everyone has a post on this. But yeah, getting yelled at by that lady was harsh. lol. And realizing that she was staring at Billy, and not even watching the play just makes the whole situation seem funnier. Lol.


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