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Good, Argentine Nights: Tango! (Tango Connection)

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

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Good, Argentine Nights: Tango! (Tango Connection)

October 5th, 2007 · 3 Comments

I’m a fan of Dancing with the Stars, first of all. So, I have seen all the ballroom dances and, through the entertainment of the show, have been captured by the art of the ballroom dance. Argentinian Tango was a nice performance. I can’t say that it fulfilled all my expectations. During many points of the performance, the dancers stumbled, particularly the men, who always lead in a ballroom dance. That didn’t sit too well with me. However, I do admit that many of the individual couple performances featured pure talent. You could not help but be swept away by the footwork of the dancers.

The singing in between the dancing was great, but I was more anxious to see more tango than singing. Also, the narration before some of the dances seemed annoying. I think the dancers would have told the story through the passion in their dancing. Nevertheless, I, at least have the privilege of saying, “I saw a tango live!”

Now, I wonder if NYC has paso doble, quicksetp, foxtrot, waltz, jive, samba, rumba, salsa, or cha-cha-cha performances….


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3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 cchandrabos // Oct 6, 2007 at 3:56 pm

    I went with Evan! I have to say that the event was well worth $15. They were incredible. At one point, the shoe strap of one of the dancers came off and she still kept dancing as though nothing happened. She was actually my favorite dancer. As Evan said, their performance wasn’t perfect but overall they were good. The poetry elements and singing were hard to understand and a nuisance at times. In addition to the dancing, the musicians were really talented. Their solos parts were excellent. I noticed that there were no drums in the live orchestra set, but you could hear the sound of drum beats. It was actually the man playing the chello?, alternating between stroking the strings and banging the side.I just thought it as cool. Overall, I enjoyed it. It was a good way to end off a stressful Friday.

  • 2 eleung // Oct 7, 2007 at 4:06 pm

    Ceena, it’s cello, not chello…hehe, all right my fellow? NOW there is some poetry!

  • 3 ztasneem // Oct 8, 2007 at 9:40 pm

    Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but that was a bass to a cello :P. Cellos are smaller.

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