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Martin Puryear…

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

The Arts in New York City header image 2

Martin Puryear…

November 15th, 2007 · 1 Comment

definitely needs to be appreciated for all his hard work! I think I covered just about everything that I wanted to say during our class presentation, but I just need to talk about my favorite points again

-the theme of suspension- we perceive chains to be heavy, yet here is this chain defying gravity.

-the theme of perception- brings me to the ladder for booker t. washington- this piece has some twists and turns (obstacles)- it seems to go on infinitely yet we do see a termination.. as if to give some hope to those who struggle.

-the piece titled “Confessional”- Evan really explained the piece well- the block represents confessing as a big “step”- its hard to really get the courage and admit what you do. Also, the patching up and the layering of the materials also represents this certain covertness or desire to literally cover up a confession.

I really loved how Martin Puryear created the idea of colonialization- he did it so cleverly by combining the african tribal mask, wagon, and wood.

Also, 3d art as opposed to 2d art- allowed us to engage more with the work of art; we got a 360 degree inspection. This is also important because Puryear takes the theme of deception to his advantage so that if you move even one degree to the right, something will sometimes be different about the piece of work.

For anyone who wants to have fun interpreting art, this is the exhibition to see. Its @ MoMA (53rd st between 5th & 6th ave)


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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 eleung // Nov 20, 2007 at 3:12 am

    Kudos to Farah (what am I doing up at this time…I should be doing english hw). It’s funny how some of these themes we mentioned in our presentation, I would not have taken into consideration without Farah’s architectural foundations. She definitely contributed to the building of the group’s knowledge and experience.

    Colonization? Not so much that, but a sense of development and working toward a newly rebuilt, civilized society bases on other cultures that can stand on its own grounds.

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