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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » Selon Desir

Selon Desir

Undoubtedly, ‘desire’ is the word that first came to mind when “Selon Desir” opened. Though it is difficult to recall the exact movements of the dance, it is easy to remember the fierce, animal lust immediately exuded by the first dancer. She was bright, alive and full of sexual energy. That same sexuality was possessed by all dancers, male and female, and shared amongst them in a nonspecific way. The intercoursing was at times androgynous, homosexual, and dare I say it: heterosexual. The carelessness, or perhaps openness, of the dancers’ sexual encounters illustrates the passionless nature of their strictly carnal desire. Their movements, mirroring their yearnings, were wild, loose, and provocative. Decadence and hedonism pulsed through the pleasure pursuits of the dancers. There was something Hellenic in their dress, as well; the tunic tops and pleated skirts evoked images of reclining Greeks. These neo-hedonists moved by their sexual whims. Desire drove their actions; it drove them together and sometimes apart. Desire created visible internal and external struggles. Ultimately though, they all went selon desir, according to desire.

–Jaimie S

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