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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » Dance Recital

Dance Recital

 To me, Loin was the highlight of the Ballet Du Grand Theatre De Geneve’s performance. It was probably because of the fusion of East and West. There were Far Eastern costumes combined with European chamber music. It was exciting and original. The first piece, Para-Dice confused me, the second piece, Salon Desir, bored me, but i could not keep my eyes off of Loin. The beginning with the use of only arms was odd and drew me in, and my favorite part was the couple dancing. There were hints of classical ballet and Far Eastern dance in that segment of the recital. The two dancers were in perfect unison, doing every movement together, always complimenting each others moves.The oddest part of the show, when the dancers would stop and come to the front of the stage to tell stories with a French/Swiss accent was humorous and odd. It interfered with the fluidity of the show, but overall improved it by adding some humor to an otherwise serious recital. Another great part of the performance was when one of the dancers started singing in a European language, i think Romanian or something, and everyone else danced to her song. It was random breaks in continuity like this that kept me drawn in to the performance. The third performance, Loin, was the only piece i really enjoyed out of the entire recital, but it really made up for the other two.

Jacob S.

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