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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » “Loin”


The three pieces presented by the Ballet Du Grande Theatre De Geneve were each innovative, executed with dramatic intensity, and showed the amazing control the dancers had over their bodies’ movements. Yet, “Loin” was easily my favorite because of its unparalleled grace. From the moment the dancers stepped on stage to perform the rhythmic hand movements to when they came together at the end in an intertwining structure, each step was filled with elegance, not unlike the elegance found in more classical ballets. This elegance, combined with ethereal music and soft lighting, gave the performance an otherworldly quality. The brief, but highly amusing, anecdotes were welcome surprises and ensures that the audience was jolted into an attentive state. For me, however, the most memorable part of “Loin” was the pas de deux performed. The partners, who were of different ethnic backgrounds, were clearly engaged in the movements of the other, several times simply taking a moment to look deeply into each other’s eyes. Their interraction seemed to suggest a love that transcended cultural and societal boundaries. Overall, the rhythmic motions of the dancers kept me thoroughly entranced throughout the piece.

~ Christina Marinelli

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