The Next Few Weeks…

§ November 3rd, 2008 § Filed under Uncategorized

As you know, Doug Cuomo is going to visit our class on November 12th.  Your homework for that week is to come up with interesting questions to ask him based on our attendance of the performance on the 5th. In the second part of that class, we will discuss excerpts from Virginia Woolf’s novel *The Waves*. 

During the week of November 12-19, I would like you to have seen, at your convenience, the performance of the adaptation of *Waves* at the Duke Theatre, 229 W. 42nd St.   Performance dates are as follows: Nov 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ,18  [i.e. no performance the 17th]. 

The theatre holds approximately 160 seats; it seems unlikely that they are going to sell out. Student “Rush” tickets are either $20 or $25; I don’t want you to have to wait in line all day. Just try going an hour before the performance; my guess (not a promise!) is you’ll get in.  I’m telling you now so you can decide which day or days you want to go, and prepare accordingly.

Then you will bring your ticket stubs to me during class on the 19th, and I will reimburse you for purchase of the tickets. This performance got great reviews in London; it should be interesting. Assuming we can pull this off, and all of you see the performance (I’ll know by the ticket stubs!) we will discuss Waves together on the 19th. 

Then we will have no class on the 26th (day before Thanksgiving). 

Your assignment between November 19-Dec 3 be to start working in earnest on your final project, which you will present a brief outline of on December 3 to the rest of the class.  (By then you will have your first papers back.)

I would like us to have one more outing together, at a venue of your choice. I’m afraid that this one will have to be out-of-pocket, unless we agree on a venue  that’s free or for which your cultural passports will get you in.

Again, see you Wednesday evening at my apartment (NOT IN CLASS)

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