Aziz Interview Questions

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Interview Questions

1. What country are you from?

2. If you practice a religion, which religion do you practice?

3. Do people of different religions get along with each other or is there tension?

4. Is there any animosity between the different cultures?

5. Does the fact that everyone is from the same area help people get along better? (being South Asian)

6. In the business world does anyone discriminate in the costumers they allow to shop or the people they do business with?

7. Most of the shop windows display Hindu Statues, while most of the Muslim paintings are sold on the street. Do you know why this is?

8. How is it that all of these different cultures and religions came to live in the same area?

9. How did you come to live or do business in Jackson Heights?

--Mina Aziz 16:29, 30 March 2009 (UTC)