C. Raising chickens from the chick to chicken McNuggets in the industrial farming system
Jeanetta Green
Jacquelyn Lekhraj
Lakshman Kalasapudi
Harper Keehn
Angela Hum
Maria Khvatskaya
This chapter fully describes the process of raising chickens, from hatching to the supermarket. The public knows some things about the slaughtering process, but they know much less about how the animals that they are eating are raised. First, this chapter shows how the process of raising chickens has changed from the early days of farming into an industry that primarily caters to the consumers. Second, we look at conditions and processes in CAFOs, or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, where most chickens are raised. These operations have sprung up across the United States as demand for low-cost meat has increased. Third, we look at the slaughtering process. Unfortunately, the industrial meat system in the United States has provisions and loopholes for inhumane practices. Fourth, after the slaughtering process, chickens are converted into processed products. This section examines the processes and final products of further processing. Fifth, after processing, products are shipped to vendors, and we explore the guidelines that govern the transportation. In general, these regulations ensure that chicken is preserved before, during, and after distribution to ensure a safe, quality product. Finally, to explain what is done to chicken before it reaches your plate, the chapter concludes with a look into what exactly goes into the poultry throughout the process and how those additives affect humans.