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Section I. Background: The industrial animal production, processing and distribution system in the USA
Fri, 09/04/2009 - 16:23 mporter (not verified)
A. Raising the typical cow from calf to hamburger in the industrial farming system
B. Raising the typical pig from piglet to ham in the industrial farming system
C. Raising chickens from the chick to chicken McNuggets in the industrial farming system
D. Regulators and regulations
‹ Introduction
A. Raising the typical cow from calf to hamburger in the industrial farming system ›
Book Navigation
Section I. Background
Raising the typical cow
Raising the typical pig
Raising the typical chicken
Regulators and regulations
Section II. Research Design
Section III. Environmental Impacts
Section IV. Human health impacts
Section V. Alternatives
Theme by Dr. Radut