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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » Hunter’s Investigation

Hunter’s Investigation

Hey guys!!! Before I talk about the Investigation, I just want to tell you about my trip there first, which I thought was so much more amusing. To begin with, I got up early to go to the Investigation because I knew that I’d probably be about an hour late if I didn’t (this is the way I am with these things) because I prolong e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g when I try to get ready. This means taking fifteen minutes to put on my right sock. And another ten to put on my left one because for some reason it takes less time for the left sock……Hmm, I wonder why….

Aaanyway, so it takes me about three hours that morning to get ready and since it was the last showing, I couldn’t miss it! So I hopped on the 23 bus from the dorms and took it to the 6. But then this old lady got on at the third ave. stop and it took SUCH a long time because the bus driver didn’t know how to work that platform thing for people in wheelchairs. In any case, I just got off and took the train instead, all the while thinking I can only spare ten minutes now as opposed to twenty. When I got to the 6, the train took an incredibly long time to get there because the trains always run weirdly on weekends. By the time I got there, it was way past the time I thought I was supposed to get there so I ran all the way to where they were showing the Investigation all out of breath and whatnot. When I finally got there, however, which seemed to take almost an eternity as there were huge crowds of people in the way, I found the janitor mopping the floors of people’s left over junk.

Apparently, I was too late. The show had already been shown and my plan to be early tragically turned into a nightmare.

And it was. I woke up then. My alarm had been ringing on snooze for two hours. It was 2:30 PM, Saturday afternoon. Eeeeep!


Hahaha. I thought that was a pretty amusing story. Anyway! On to the Investigation: I actually liked it a lot when I saw it. I have a bunch of criticisms, but for the most part, I thought it was nicely done. What I loved was the heavenly part of it. In the book I didn’t really understand it (maybe because I read a long time ago), but when I saw the play, I finally got the fact that the entire court scene took place in Heaven. All the whiteness of everything and cleanness. I thought they did a very nice job in this aspect because it really did make the audience feel as though they were in a very pristine and heavenly place. As for the acting of the play, I thought for the most part, the acting was very well done. Everything was presented in a very coherent and clear-cut manner: bad guys on one side, good guys on the other. It was very easy to comprehend. However, I do agree with some of the posters on this blog that the personalities of these characters were very bland . It seemed very rehearsed, which sounds like it should be a good thing but there was no improvisation on the set. In this sense, it didn’t seem very realistic. Some of the voices were very monotonous as well and these were the points when I found it slightly difficult to stay awake. The music, though played sparsely throughout the show, kept me awake though. It was very suspenseful music and almost inspiring. I wish they had played more of it throughout the play.

Other than that, however, I liked the production very much. I learned a lot about the holocaust and, although it was a topic quite overplayed, as I’ve read some of your responses, I still think they are to be commended on a job well done considering that they’re not professionals and we have to cut these people some slack!


P.S. I ended up being late to the show anyway. Hahaha.

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