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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » Kara Walker

Kara Walker

I think this exhibit was interesting, but that was it. It was the sort of art that i found interesting to look at but not very breathtaking. It provoked thought but no real feelings. Most of the themes were based on the black struggle and the female struggle to gain and cope with power. The black cut-outs made it possible to see and almost believe things that we normally wouldn’t. It also made it easier for the audience to not feel totally scared away by the images that they saw, because most of them were quite disturbing. Also, i thought that it was interesting that most people who saw it thought that somehow the artist was addressing a power struggle, although every viewer had a different take. Some thought that she was showing how women gained power through their sexuality, and some believed that she was showing how their sexuality is where they lost most of their control.

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