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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » The New Art World

The New Art World

i am commenting not on just one exhibit but on the whole scene of New York arts. Though there were a few pieces that interested me, in general the whole scene made me very sad. The way that the art galleries were the cleanest and most refined places in the area, the way that each was staffed by a young professional type in fashionable clothing, it just all seemed wrong to me. I can only picture these artists sitting in a rented corporate office with $600 dollar classes dictating business to various temps and interns. Something about it just seems wrong. Some artists don’t even make their own works, they hae the idea and then commision some other artist or company to complete it for them. Somewhere between starving artist and new pop icon these works of art lose their authenticity. I prefer the artists in soho, who display and sell their art on the street. You can meet and talk to the artists, who are usually dressed in ripped cargos old t-shirts and painters caps. It feels and probably is more real. It was interesting to me that while wondering the galleries of Chelsea the art that spoke to me most was some graffiti found on the outside of a closed shop. At least this artist took a risk to get his artwork out, and i can guess he wasn’t wearing a versace suit while he did it.

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