At a faculty symposium, which I recently attended, it was stressed that the final project must be a group effort – three or four students combining their resources to look at a selected topic in depth. The existing final project description still applies. Individual students should put forth topics and, as a class, we will look at areas of common interest or overlap to form a group. Since there are many components leading to making a compelling 10-minute public presentation before the university and outsiders, as well, it is would be best to form a team maximizing individual strengths.
All topics will require, among other things:
• Writing a compelling proposal
• Conducting basic research/literature search
• Identifying and contacting primary sources
• Conducting interviews, when possible
• Photographing existing conditions
• Preparing graphic illustrations
• Preparing verbal presentations
Given the scope of this project, give serious thought about pooling resources. Also, remember that a good portion of class time will be devoted to your being able to work together and develop your proposals. We’ll talk.