Subway Art
If anyone wants to work on subway art (commissioned by the MTA), Diana Y and I (Alice) are putting this together.
If you have time, go take pictures/videos/interviews related to subway art. And below is what we’re aiming to get done. —Alice M.
1- A written intro on subway art- how it doesn’t fall under the refined art in NYC (such as musuems, galleries, plays, or operas) or as the illegal/street art (such as grafitti, street art), but it is unique to NYC in it’s own way. This leads into our own exploration of subway art- who makes it, who the art is for, and it’s impact.
2- Email interview with Lisa Dinhofer concerning her piece “Losing My Marbles” and her view of subway art.
3- A trip through a particular subway station (most likely 42nd street), commenting on it and possibly interviewing people about the art. SAT DEC 8th.
4- Going to the Transit Museum to look up the art we found. Possibly interviewing the museum curator. SAT DEC 8th.
5- Connecting everything we did back to the topic of subway art, how it is unique to NYC and its effect on us.