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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » Interview with Lisa Dinhofer

Interview with Lisa Dinhofer

Here are the questions Alice and I emailed to Lisa Dinhofer for our interview.

1- Can you give us a background on yourself and the kind of art you do?  When did you start making art and why?

2- How did you get involved with the MTA? Are you working with the MTA now, and if so, what are you working on?

3- How did you start the project “Losing My Marbles”? Did you create this work specifically for the MTA? Did they contact you to do this project?

4- In the creative aspect, what was your inspiration and/or motivation to create “Losing My Marbles”? Did the MTA give you any guidelines, or was everything up to you? Who were you trying to speak to through your art?

5- Who do you think “Losing My Marble”, and other subway art, reaches out to the most?

6- How do you think NYC subway art is unique to the NYC culture?

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