I did some research yesterday and found that there was a Food Museum, the problem is that it is not a physical one. So I emailed a question about our project and requested an interview and all that and I got this response:
Hi Dmitry,
If I were you I’d contact The Food Project and get their help research “Food
Desserts” - Or Food Change, Added Value or Just Food. All have NYC field
work projects that can illustrate the dynamic of fast food better than I can. I
can give you opinions, but everyone has those…
Sounds interesting, good luck.
Nancy Ralph
I sent the following reply:
Thank you for your reply. I just have a few questions about the content of
your reply. You mentioned the Food Project and some of their research. I
am having trouble finding their research. You wrote: “”Food Desserts” - Or
Food Change, Added Value or Just Food.” Is that one title of a study or
two? Also I just found out that for this project we do not have to get
interviews on video per se, so online interviews are allowed. For this
project, we can probably cite formal studies, but opinions are the best
form. On that note, would you be able to answer some questions about
various aspects of food and New York City through email?
Thank you very much for your time,
Dmitry Kucher
So in other words I want to conduct an interview through email and so I need some questions to ask her. I’m hoping she will agree to this interview and we are going to have to find some way to include this in the video.